Flirtbericht homepage


Register for free!

You can register for free at Flirtbericht and fill out your profile. You will get 2 free credits which enable you to send 3 messages or Flirt flirts. After that we ask for a small fee for sending messages and Flirt-flirts.

Using Flirtbericht

Once you are logged in at Flirtbericht you can search, browse and rate profiles for free, and read freely received and sent messages. To be able to send a message or a Flirt flirt we ask for a small fee. You can pay in two different ways:

  • by phone (1.40 per call)
  • (please note: 1 call gives you the opportunity to send 1 message or 1 Flirt flirt)

  • Buy credits in advance
  • (please note: 1 credit enables you to send 1 message or 1 Flirt flirt)

Number Description Price Per credit
1 1 credit BE € 2.00 € 2.00
1 1 credit NL € 1.40 € 1.40
10 10 credits € 10.49 € 1.05
25 25 credits € 23.69 € 0.95
50 50 credits € 41.99 € 0.84
100 100 credits € 78.79 € 0.79
300 300 credits € 209.99 € 0.70

You can easily and securely buy credits via creditcard.